Home Safety

You can make your home safer through our home safety scheme, which supplies a variety of safety items such as stair gates, plug socket covers, front door chains, enclosure of bannisters and fridge, freezer and cupboard locks.

Our specialist staff will attend at your home to discuss and assess your home safety needs and will be able to offer advice on practical steps that you can take to keep your child safe. In addition, we can refer you to East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service who can carry out a fire risk assessment of your home and provide free specialist fire equipment as appropriate.


About Home Safety

Did you know that children aged 0–4 years old are the most at risk from accidents in the home? You can make your home safer through our home safety scheme, which supplies a variety of safety items such as stair gates, plug socket covers, front door chains, enclosure of bannisters and fridge, freezer and cupboard locks.

You can get this help if you live in Brighton and Hove and you:

  • Have a child under the age of 4
  • Are a young parent under the age of 20
  • Are receiving benefits or are on a low income
  • Have a child who is more at risk of unintentional injury at home
  • Have attended hospital with your child because of an unintentional injury at home.

As part of this scheme, we are happy to visit with NHS staff who might be able to identify children and parents in any of the above groups and to visit local children’s centres to talk to parent groups about keeping children safe at home.

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To Make a Referral

You can be referred by a NHS professional for example your midwife or health visitor. You can also self-refer by contacting our Home Safety Co-ordinator directly at homesafety@impact-initiatives.org.uk or texting 07715 510480 for a call back.

If you are a health visitor or professional and would like to refer a family to the scheme, please complete a Home Safety Equipment Scheme referral form and send it to the address on the form.

This is currently a free service.


Download Form

I am really happy with the equipment and fitting. I couldn’t have done it myself.

Home Safety Parent


With almost thirty years’ experience in developing and managing supported housing Stevie is expert in ensuring support flexes to meet individual needs so young women feel safe and can build the support networks they need both inside and outside of Stopover so they can move on to live independently.

If you would like to get in touch please feel free to use the contact form, give us call on 07715 510480 or email us at homesafety@impact-initiatives.org.uk