Impact Initiatives Inclusion and Diversity Statement

Impact trustees and staff are committed to creating a more inclusive and diverse organisation with embedded anti-discriminatory policy and practice throughout, which will be monitored and responded to as applicable.

We recognise certain groups and individuals in society are disadvantaged because of intersectional discrimination, particularly based on race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, gender reassignment, age or marital status. Discrimination can be experienced and that this comes in many forms; direct, indirect, intentional, or through unconscious bias and that discrimination takes place at both institutional and personal levels.

We are clear that such discrimination is unacceptable. We are committed to ensuring that our policies and practices promote inclusive and fair treatment in all aspects of our service delivery, for all our clients, employees and volunteers.

We are aware that we are a predominantly white organisation and will therefore have unconscious white bias which is something we need to address to become more accessible to minoritised communities.

We have made this commitment because we genuinely care and value this principle and do not want any individual to feel less equal or discriminated against in any way through either our actions or lack of action. We want our services to be available to all, most notably those disadvantaged and in need.

We know to meet this commitment we need to take immediate and ongoing positive action and have dedicated time and resources to this.

We will;

  • reflect and take appropriate action on our current beliefs and working practices,
  • recognise our current limitations and deficiencies,
  • increase our awareness, and learning by asking (sometimes difficult) questions
  • listen to both existing and potential clients and staff
  • develop a better understanding of the consequences of discrimination and how we can support minoritised
  • ensure we continually monitor, reflect and challenge ourselves and each other regarding inequality,
    prejudice and ignorance directed towards all disadvantaged groups on an individual and organisational level
  • recognise this as a dynamic and continual process
  • make the changes needed to become the organisation we strive to be

Impact will ensure that all staff and volunteers regardless of position or seniority understand and commit to this belief and understand they each hold responsibility and play a part in ensuring it is applied throughout the organisation.