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First Edition

A few words from Caroline Ridley our CEO

I am incredibly pleased to be writing this in our first newsletter for some time, it will be great to be able to share updates and news from our services. I am always incredibly proud to lead the Impact team and to talk about the results we bring to 1,000’s of people each year.

At the start of this year we worked on refining our core purpose to enable us to effectively communicate the diversity of our work and the outcomes we achieve which has always been a challenge because of the breadth and variety of our work. We have consulted with staff, trustees, and service users and agreed the following strapline – Providing a Voice, Hope and Change to Sussex People in Need – is our core mission.

A recent highlight for me has been seeing the results of the Safety Net merge and changes in the Central Team. We have been able to update and introduce new systems and are reviewing all our safeguarding processes. We have also built a larger and more diverse Board of Trustees who are bringing their valuable experiences and expertise to the organisation and bring a great mix of skills to my work and both challenge and support me.

The organisation remains strong and we had the fantastic news that the Ageing Well contract has been renewed for a further two years, and we are negotiating the extension of other contracts. On the back of our reputation we have secured a new contract in Brighton and Hove to support a new self-advocacy group for people with autism. I also had exciting news recently that this year we are one of four official charities of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove.

Another key highlight was our Ageing Well Conference held earlier this month: The Age of Wisdom introduced by new Leader of the Council, Bella Sankey. We aimed to bring a lively, interactive, enjoyable, inspiring and educational conference, and feedback tells us we achieved that. Thank you to our speakers and all of you who attended for your support.

I hope you enjoy our First Edition of The Impact Informer which we will bring to you quarterly.

Children, Young People & Families Round-Up

Head of CYPF – Jennifer Tulloch

“It helped me to gain confidence, understand my feelings better and to have someone to talk to.” – School pupil

Impact Safety Net
  • The team have been delivering transition workshops (Stepping up to Secondary) in small groups to support year 6 students with specific vulnerabilities and additional needs in Brighton and Hove.
  • This is a new programme aimed at helping children feel more comfortable and less worried about this transition period.
Impact YPC – Young People’s Centre
  • Has been successful with their latest funding application, and have been awarded significant funds for the next 3 years, which is great news.
  • This funding will enable the the YPC to facilitate collaborative working with several other youth organisations based at the Centre including: Brighton and Hove Young Carers, Allsorts Youth Project, C.A.M.H.S. (Community Assertive Outreach Team), Refugee Council, Pathways to Independence, and Rise.
Impact WASP – Whitehawk After School Project
  • Has been busy with a recent Ofsted and Food Safety Standards inspection. Both results were the highest level that could be achieved and reflect the enthusiasm and hard work that has been done by everyone in the team.
  • Highlights from the Ofsted report include; “all children, including those with special needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are carefully included in this welcoming club. Children’s individual and diverse needs are met well.” “The club is a valued part of the community and offers funded places to children when needed.”
  • Places for WASP are currently in high demand, which has resulted in creating a waiting list for families.
  • Plans are underway for our Impact summer HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) project, running in the summer holidays. We will be providing arts & crafts, nature activities, sport & games activities and a free hot lunch for 25 children per day who are eligible for Free School Meals and attend City Academy Whitehawk.
Children, Young People and Families social channels – please like, follow and share


Adults & Older People Round-Up

Head of Adults & Older People – Maxine Thomas

“The advocate ensured D had access to the appropriate services so he has been able to see that his life can move forward.” – D’s social worker

Ageing Well
  • Older people’s services have been busier than ever and lots of new connections are being made. We are developing the Ageing Well partnership which has been given a two year extension for us to further expand and refine its scope.
  • The Ageing Well Conference was held on 21st June. This year’s theme was Brighton and Hove’s Age of Wisdom – releasing the unique potential of an ageing population in Brighton and Hove which was well received by all those who attended.
  • The ever popular Ageing Well Festival will run from 29th September to 12th October and the theme this year is Expanding Horizons and Linking Lives, which was chosen by the Lived Experienced Advisory Group. The Ageing Well Festival brochure will be out in August throughout the City.
Impact Advocacy
  • We’re thrilled to announce that Impact Advocacy were successful in their application to support a new self advocacy group in Brighton. This group will be dedicated to supporting individuals with autism and will build on the reputation of the West Sussex service.
Impact Workability
  • The teams hard work despite the economic climate has resulted in people who are unemployed, and people with jobs at risk securing long term sustainable jobs based on their skills and experience earning over a staggering £750k this year.
  • Over the latest period 68 people secured paid employment and we have worked with 38 new carers.
  • Our job outcomes cover a broad range of careers including: equality officer, jam maker, specialist learning support, engineer, immigration control host, caretaker, surveyor, cleaner, and exam marker matching the individual’s skills, abilities and ambitions.
For more information and updates please follow us on social media:
Impact Initiatives


Ageing Well/ Ageing Well Festival

Ageing Well Facebook
Hop 50+ Facebook
Ageing Well Festival Facebook
Ageing Well Instagram

Housing Round-Up
Head of Housing – Stevie Graves

“Stopover made me stop and think not just about the impact of my behaviour but also about what I was good at and what I could do in the future.”

Impact Stopover
  • In 2022/2023 we worked with 72 residents across 10 houses and have just opened a house in Worthing, West Sussex.

  • All of these residents have received one to one support as well as group work activities.

  • Our aim is to provide young women with a stable home base from which they can address any past or current traumas and look forward to the future by making plans around education training and support and future accommodation.

  • The residents come from a diverse background and there is no socioeconomic ‘norm’ for residents accommodated within Stopover. We have residents at college sitting their GCSE or A Levels. We have residents that work. We have residents that volunteer to give something back to the community.

  • Our staff are currently attending gender specific Trauma Informed training. It has been an opportunity for staff not just to learn but to fully explore and discuss trauma informed care and psychologically informed environments.

Donations & Diary Dates

  • We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to Impact Initiatives this year so far. We couldn’t carry out the vital work in each of our services without you.
  • Our Head of Finance, Emily, undertook the London to Brighton Challenge 2023 and ran/walked 100km. She smashed her target of £500 and all of these funds will go towards supporting our Impact Children, Young People and Families services across Brighton and Hove. If you would like to read more please click here.
  • Maxine, Head of Adult and Older People’s Services, swum 3.6km down the River Arun with all proceeds going to Impact Initiatives dementia support services. This was a huge challenge for Maxine and for a cause personal to her. Please click here to read more.
  • We received a very kind donation of £250 from VM residents of Brighton who raised funds for our Stopover service. As well as a further £580 for Stopover in memory of a much-loved writer and teacher who was a long term Brighton resident, and a strong advocate for women.
  • Impact Donations are vital and enable us to do even more for each of our services. If you would like to donate please click here.
Easy Fundraising

Have you heard of Easy Fundraising? For those that have not heard of it, every time you shop a percentage of that purchase goes towards Impact Initiatives. There are lots of retailers involved: Sainsburys, Wilko, ScrewFix, M&S, Just Eat and many more.

It is very quick and easy to set up an account using the steps below.

  1. Click on this link https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/create-an-account/
  2. Click on ‘Find a Cause to Support’ and type in ‘Impact Initiatives’
  3. Click ‘Sign up and support this cause’
  4. Click ‘Continue with email’ and it will ask you for a password to create your account.
Diary Dates
  • Brighton’s Artists & Makers Pop-Up Shop Fundraiser – The Conscious Collective – Saturday 16 September @ Unbarred in Brighton
  • Ageing Well Festival is 29 September – 13 October, 2023 – a fantastic range of events for people aged over 50 across the City. www.ageingwellfestival.org
Upcoming Training Dates
  • Introduction to Safeguarding and Child Protection – 11 July
  • Safeguarding Lead – 26 & 27 July

Impact Training are looking at how we can expand and broaden our training offer, as we now have the capability to do this since Safety Net merged with Impact. We ran our first Adult Safeguarding course which received some great feedback.

Click here to follow our new Training Social Channels


Thank you for your interest in Impact Initiatives. If you would like to give any feedback please contact Katharine.Grummett@impact-initiatives.org.uk