Safety Net Merger

15 December 2022

We’re excited to announce that Safety Net is merging with Impact Initiatives. We have worked closely together on planning this for almost a year, ensuring that it is the right way forward for both organisations.

Our two organisations have a combined 65 years of delivering services and support to vulnerable people in Brighton and Hove, and currently work with over 9,000 people each year, as well as providing safeguarding training across the voluntary sector and beyond.

The organisation’s services already align, and merging will mean we can better develop them together to support more children and young people. Merging will ensure the Safety Net name and reputation continue and our joint central team will be strengthened and more cost effective, as we share core support and management. We all feel this is a win-win situation.

We have worked hard to ensure that the transition will be seamless for service users and customers, and there will be a gradual change of contact details to make sure we achieve this. Safety Net will continue to provide Safeguarding Training to professionals and organisations across the city, and following the merger we have plans to expand the offer across adult and children’s services.

The merger agreement was signed on 13 December and we will officially become one organisation on 1 January. Achieving this has very much been a joint effort and we would like to acknowledge the support of BHCC and Community Works.

John Reading, Third Sector Manager, Brighton & Hove City Council stated:

“This merger between two respected local charities reflects mature decision making by Trustees and senior managers at both organisations, and, very importantly, enables significant services for residents across the city to be maintained.”

We look forward to bringing you further updates in the new year, in the meantime if you have any queries please contact either Caroline Ridley or Jen Tulloch