The Impact Informer 03
THIRD Edition
Welcome to the Third Edition of the Impact Informer, which highlights the recent work of our unique organisation.
As always, we have innovated where needed without losing what is working well and continued to work with our statutory, voluntary sector and business partners to share resources, and keep a focus on bringing best value and best delivery in our services.
We have achieved growth in several areas of our work, including Autism training which through its reputation is now being delivered across Hampshire as well as Sussex. We are building on our Advocacy work and hope to bring news on further developments in West Sussex soon.
Our leadership of the Ageing Well services in Brighton and Hove brought a fantastic Ageing Well Festival in October with over 150 events across the city, in 58 venues. If you want 2 minutes of cheer, you can watch the video here. Hot on the heels and success of this we are now in the final stages of organising this year’s Ageing Well Conference – The Age of Engagement. Details and ticket information will be available soon.
We have enjoyed mutual and multiple benefits from our joint working on both the Santa Bus and the Mayor’s Charities projects and are extremely appreciative of the opportunity to be part of these. Both have been great fun alongside enjoyable hard work – see our fundraising section below for more detail.
Children, Young People & Families Round-Up
Head of CYPF – Jennifer Tulloch
Impact Safety Net
- Safety Net operates within schools, providing tailored interventions to support emotional wellbeing and resilience building for children aged 8 to 14. The service takes pride in annually supporting over 2000 children, with an impressive 95% of them expressing that the sessions they attended were valuable and beneficial so far this year.
- Activities include BRAVE (Building Resilience and Valuing Emotions) one-to-one and small group sessions which is focused on emotional literacy, coping skills, and self-esteem enhancement. Schools can make a referral using this link.
- Our lively whole-class workshops are also in full swing and getting great feedback from across schools in Brighton and Hove, with year 6 sessions focused around supporting them to prepare for secondary schools, and year 4 and 5 focused on the critical topic of Online Safety.
- We are also delighted to be sending schools our Children’s Mental Health week resource pack, which they will receive later this term.
Impact WASP – Whitehawk After School Project
- WASP is based at City Academy in Whitehawk, Brighton and supports 120 children and their families each year. It provides after school play opportunities for children aged between 4-11, and accommodates up to 40 children each day, many with free places.
- WASP ‘s playwork utilises qualified playworkers dedicated to prioritising children’s play needs and fosters a supportive environment. Through play, we also provide positive adult role models, promote active lifestyles, healthy eating, and social and academic skills.
- Thanks to a grant last term, we’ve added a burst of fun with a new parachute, outside toys, a badge maker, and sensory floor tiles. Our festive parties, including Christmas arts and crafts, elf hunts, and party food, were a real hit last term.
- We ran another successful HAF play scheme over the Christmas holidays. We were delighted as part of the scheme to be able to offer a free activity pack and food hamper to all participating families to take home, these made a huge difference to families struggling to buy food.
Impact YPC – Young People’s Centre
- Our Young People’s Centre, located in Ship Street, is a bright and friendly safe space, providing specialist services and support for young people around their wellbeing and mental health. Alongside Impact’s Youth team, there are 6 other youth organisations based at the Centre and we are proud to welcome over 600 young people to the YPC each year.
- Over the latest period the outcomes for our young people accessing 1:1 support through our Health and Wellbeing Youth Work have been really positive, with 16 young people reporting positive changes in their lifestyle. The team have also been successful in referring many to enjoyable and beneficial programs like YPC Animation Group, TDC Young Men’s group, and more.
- In line with feedback from young people, we are launching a new youth drop-in session, where young people will be able to access support, connect with others, and dive into a range of exciting activities.
- E-Motion is buzzing with activity. We’re seeing a surge in referrals from young people aged 12 to 18 seeking email or instant message counselling support.
- The Lewes Health & Wellbeing drop-in has been increasingly well attended and feedback tells us has delivered fantastic outcomes over the last few months. This service is used by parents and young people and offers more space and time than a GP is currently able to.
Adults & Older People Round-Up
Head of Adults & Older People – Maxine Thomas
- Led by Impact, the Ageing Well programme continues to go from strength to strength and is proud to connect with over 4,000 of Brighton and Hove’s older residents each year. Our Single Point of Contact, which brings all the information you could need on one telephone number, is busier than ever. “I spoke on the phone to the team, who sent me some information to help me look for a place for the person I’m caring for. A good start up. They also said they would be available to answer any further questions. Very helpful.”
- The Hop 50+ team is busier than ever. With many activities at capacity and a bustling café, we’ve introduced Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to our dementia service, receiving rave reviews. The team were also thrilled to have recently featured on BBC Morning Live, highlighting the importance of activities and places to talk for improving well-being as we age.
- Aspie Trainers are thriving and experiencing remarkable growth, expanding both their reach and impact. We’re thrilled to kick off Oliver McGowan training on Learning Disability and Autism in Hampshire, with positive feedback pouring in.
- The self-advocacy group support in Brighton and Hove is gaining momentum, supporting many people throughout the City. They proudly named themselves Brighton Autism Movement (BAM) in December.
Impact Workability
- Our dedicated Workability team has remarkably supported over 40 individuals with complex health or caring needs in accessing or returning to work, in the latest period. Our success stories span from a sessional worker with MIND to an apprentice fabric cutter. The team tirelessly strives to ensure that individuals secure employment that perfectly aligns with their ambition, needs and strengths.
housing ROUND-UP
HEAD OF housing – stevie graves
- Three decades ago, we recognised a crucial need and laid the foundation for Stopover, our supported housing service, dedicated exclusively to young women.
- Embracing a person-centred and strength-based approach, our tailored support addresses the unique challenges of individuals with complex needs, including mental health issues, homelessness, offending, substance misuse, and experiences of domestic and sexual violence.
- Our unwavering commitment to innovation and holistic support has consistently yielded successful long-term outcomes for our residents. Presently, with 10 houses (including the recent addition of a house in West Sussex) offering high, medium, and low support, we can seamlessly transition residents between accommodations based on their evolving needs.
- We were delighted to have received a grant recently so that our residents will now be able to access external counselling support where needed.
- We wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to Connie and friends from St Leonard’s Church in Seaford for spreading Christmas joy with presents for all Stopover residents for over thirty years.
- Wave of Love – Bringing Brighton Together Thursday 15th February 6.30pm. Drinks Reception, 2 course meal, quiz with great prizes all for £45. Impact Initiatives is one of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove’s chosen charities. This event is led by Together Co and supported by Impact Initiatives, RISE and RSPCA Brighton and we will receive a share of the proceeds.
- Please support the YPC Youth Champions Project when you shop at the Co-op, and select them as your chosen charity as a Co-op member. For every £1 spent you’ll earn 2p for yourself and 2p for your chosen local community project. If you would like to become a Co-op member you can sign up here.
- Please do sign up for Easy Fundraising and help support our cause. Easy Fundraising is a charity cashback site which provides a free way to raise money for Impact Initiatives when you shop online. There are lots of retailers taking part: Tesco, Dunelm, Etsy, Just Eat, H&M, B&Q and many more.
Training Dates
- Introduction to Safeguarding Training live via Zoom on Monday 11th March 2024, 9.30am-1pm.
- Safeguarding Lead Training live via Zoom on Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March 2024, 10am-1pm.
- Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk live via Zoom on Tuesday 26th March, 10am-1pm.
Click below for our social channels
Impact Initiatives
Ageing Well
Ageing Well Festival
Training – NEW
Thank you for your interest in Impact Initiatives. If you would like to give any feedback please contact our Communications & Marketing Officer