Supported accommodation for mothers and their babies

Stopover 4 and 5, which offer supported accommodation to pregnant young women in Brighton, are now officially open thanks to volunteers from St Peter’s Church and donations from Brewers Paints and IB Flooring.

The new houses, which offer quality accommodation to pregnant young women prior to the birth of their baby to stop the need to present as ‘homeless’ following the birth of their child. The houses also ensure that young women are placed in a safe and supportive environment with other young mothers and babies and not with the wider homeless population, which might cause extra stress and uncertainty at a time when a stable and supportive environment is so critical for the development of both mother and baby.

Stopover 4 and 5 have dedicated staff on-site, with each of the women allocated an individual key worker. Key worker’s help individuals to access permanent accommodation and liaise with external agencies, as well as supporting them with developing the knowledge and skills they need to live independently.

For further information contact Stevie Graves on 01273 603775 or email