Good News for Older People in Brighton and Hove

2 December 2022

Brighton and Hove City Council and the NHS have confirmed they will continue their investment in the city’s Ageing Well programme for at least another two years.

Led by local charity Impact Initiatives, ten local organisations provide a range of services, support and activities for over 11,000 people across the city each year. These include a telephone Single Point of Contact (SPOC) where information on anything relevant to older people can be found; over 50 social groups each week, including some specifically for people from LGBTQ and BAMER communities; befriending and volunteering opportunities; advice around food and nutrition, and the annual Ageing Well Festival. There are also groups and support specifically for people living with dementia.

Caroline Ridley, CEO at Impact Initiatives, said “We have been proud to develop and lead the programme now in its fourth year, it has been a great team effort and resulted in national recognition as an excellent model of supporting older people to stay happy, healthy and well. Better than that though, we know that thousands of older people have a better life because of the work we do. Now we have this funding confirmed, we can focus on planning the future of Ageing Well. We know that the future is looking tough for many and will be working together to provide the information people need and alongside all the usual activities we will be focussing on providing food and activities in warm spaces.”

Neville, who was feeling low and isolated after his wife died, called the SPOC earlier this year and told us ‘it was just so reassuring to talk to someone who listened and understood my situation. With their encouragement I went to one of the groups they suggested, I have made new friends and now I volunteer there as well. It has given me a life and a reason to get up and go out again.’

David Brindley, Public Health Programme Manager at BHCC, said “According to the latest census data there are 39,100 people aged 65+ living in Brighton and Hove, which is a 9.5% increase from the 2011 census. We want to support everyone in our city to age well so that they can enjoy life and remain independent and able to contribute to their communities for as long as possible.” 

For more information contact Ageing Well on 01273 322947 or go to