Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk

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  • Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk
     16 July 2024
     10:30 am - 1:30 pm
     Live Zoom

This course will take place Live over Zoom. The duration of the course is approximately 3 hours including short breaks, which includes a Q&A session at the end.

This introductory course is for all people working directly with adults (over 18s) who may be at risk of abuse or neglect.


This course will explore a basic understanding of which adults of all ages may be at risk and also how organisations working with young adults need to respond to concerns regarding abuse or neglect. The focus of the course is the understanding the key differences between safeguarding children and adults and the role of a front line professional in supporting vulnerable adults and responding to situations and concerns.

Benefits and learning outcomes to you and the organisation

This training is designed for those who have limited prior knowledge of safeguarding adults but are working directly with those aged over 18 who may be at risk.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Name the groups of adults of all ages at risk
  • Understand specific risks for young adults aged 18+
  • Describe the different categories of abuse
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Act in line with the policy and procedures if you suspect abuse
  • Identify support organisations and referral partners locally

We ask that you book no more than four people from one organisation on to this course. From our experience we know that any more than this can affect the group dynamic and the session can end up focused on one particular group. We would like everyone to feel included in the training – sessions are far more exciting when there is a good mix of diverse participants from different organisations!

If you have any questions please contact the training team on 01273 322941 or email

Invoice Terms

Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date, or before the course takes place.

Cancellation Policy

Attendee cancellations must be emailed to

Places cancelled more than 4 weeks before the course start date will receive a full refund, those cancelled between 2 and 4 weeks will receiveĀ  50% refund. Places cancelled with less than two weeks notice will not be refunded, every attempt will be made to transfer the place to another course on a different date (please note, we are only able to transfer places to a later training date once; if a delegate is then unable to attend on the later date, we cannot transfer them to another training date nor issue a refund).

Cancellation by Impact Training

Impact Training reserves the right to cancel or postpone a course in the event of there being insufficient bookings to make it viable to run the session. In the event of a cancellation or postponement we will endeavour to inform all participants a minimum of a week before the course is due to take place, although please be aware that this is not always possible. All course fees will be reimbursed in full, or if you prefer the payment will be transferred in full to another Impact Training course on a different date. Impact Training shall not accept liability for any consequential loss and will have no liability to reimburse any other costs that may have been incurred such as transport, accommodation etc.


Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom