Horsham District Council working together with Impact Initiatives are delighted to welcome all members of the community to their first “Big Winter Warm Up” at the Dingemans Centre, Shooting Fields, Steyning on Wednesday 3 December 2014. This free event will be jam packed with information and advice for keeping residents safe, well and warm this winter.
The event will be supported by a wealth of partners including Horsham District Council’s Wellbeing Team, advisers from the Prevention Assessment Team (PAT), Community Safety Officers and there will be top energy saving information from the Green Doctors. Horsham District Council’s new Get Ready for Winter Guide has been revised and updated to include details on how to stay safe in flood conditions as well as how best to cope with snow. There will be a free yoga taster session, a special winter soup offer at the Dingemans café and details about “Steady On”, a new strength and balance course.
The Big Winter Warm Up has free entry and runs from 10.30am – 3.30pm. Please click on the poster (right) to find out more.